Is Genesis History?

Thank you, Ben, for bringing up the subject of creation for last week’s blog. While we are on the topic, I would like to briefly recommend a documentary I recently watched called “Is Genesis History?” by Thomas Purifoy.

Without too many spoilers, let me walk you through my impression of the film. To start off, I have to mention that it was visually very easy on the eye. The flow was great and the graphics were not overdone like some of the other documentaries I have previously watched.

More important than the visual appeal is the value and substance the film offered. It challenged the popular Darwinian paradigm regarding the origin of species that is widely accepted today. It also showed how the biblical account of earth’s early history made so much sense in many aspects. Leading experts in various fields ranging from geology to palaeontology present their evidences that fit together neatly like a jigsaw puzzle.

The highlight for me was when the complexity of the DNA was discussed. As someone who works in IT, it is easy to understand that complex coding is required for a sophisticated program to run. And how DNAs are designed blows my mind. The intelligence found in them is just phenomenal.

The documentary establishes some very solid points to challenge the conventional worldview of how we came about but there will be those that readily dismiss the idea of our Creator and that Genesis is factual. It reminds me of Isaiah 29:16 (NLT):

How foolish can you be? He is the Potter, and he is certainly greater than you, the clay! Should the created thing say of the one who made it, “He didn’t make me”? Does a jar ever say, “The potter who made me is stupid”?

It is also an exhortation for those of us who think we are wiser than our Creator. I struggle at times and try to do things my own way. It is a great reminder for me to submit to the Master Designer and the Potter.

So, is Genesis history? You will have to get your hands on this fabulous film and conclude for yourself. You will not be disappointed. I will also be very happy to lend you my copy of the DVD.