100% Providence
“Let me say first that I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you…” (Romans 1:8 NLT). This was Paul’s greeting to the believers in Rome but I would like to direct it to you all here at MCAC and to you reading this blog. I feel super blessed that God has led me to be part of this loving and caring church family.
This past Sabbath, we were able to discuss some questions relating to the really cool sermon by Jinha (watch here). One of the questions asked was whether we miss out on blessings when we see particular events in our lives as mere coincidence even though they could be divine providence. Looking at the big picture of the Bible, I think it is obvious that we need to acknowledge God’s hands and respond to Him with gratitude and praise.
In fact, many recent studies show that being thankful can benefit you in numerous ways ranging from helping you become more optimistic, improving your overall happiness, increasing feelings of connectedness, and even benefiting from greater physical health. “Thanks!” by Robert Emmons is a great book on this topic, if you want to look into it further.
It is getting very close to my birthday and I am so overjoyed and grateful for such a blessed year. Here are some things I am thankful for in addition to the church family I am a part of:
- Thankful for God’s guidance and assurance of salvation (Psalms 118:21)
- Thankful for my lovely parents and siblings
- Thankful for allowing me to meet a beautiful missionary friend
- Thankful for good health and ability to stay fit
- Thankful for work and the right mentality to work
- Thankful for the hard times (1 Thessalonians 5:18 “give thanks in all circumstances…”)
I am very much looking forward to this next year knowing that Christ is with me always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). This promise by Jesus was for those that would “Go and make disciples” so let us stay focused on lifting Christ up in our life so that all may be drawn to Him through our witness (John 12:32). It is 100% providence that we are given the chance to be part of God’s work with the people He has placed in our lives.