More Jewels from John – Reflections
Some of the comments from the rest of the devotional readings – thanks all for contributing, and keep on reading/praying! Click here for the reading plan.
“How easy it is for us to find fault with others, and not take a moment to see that the very things we accuse others of doing, we often are guilty of. Notice how we promptly cover up the sins of those closest to us, but feel no inhibition to disclose, and speak about the wrongs of others who are more distant… The closer we get to Jesus the lesser we focus on the failings of others, and instead desire to become more like Him.” – Devotional
“Jesus set a super high standard with statements about sinning in one’s thoughts. Higher than even the Pharisees standards. But despite His high standards, His own righteousness and ability to keep that standard, He did not look down on the rest of us. I love that He shows such incredible compassion for one who is so hated by society. And even the Pharisees got off lightly in this story. What an example of gentle firmness in the face of anger, greed, jealousy and the struggle for power. There are many ways we can fight evil and not all of them require combativeness!” – B
“The closer we get to Jesus, the deeper our awareness that no sin is greater than the other. 🙏 Today, I am reminded that my role is not to condemn but to love…because I enjoy that same love from God despite my shortcomings.” -W
“We are all blind – to our own limited vision, faults and hypocrisy. How do we see? By turning our eyes to Jesus and seeing how He sees – what does He care about, who does He affirm? It’s a challenging and desperately needed spiritual discipline to intentionally ask God to open our eyes – and to act on what He reveals. It’s easier to close our eyes and ignore the pain and needs of others – to not realise the impact of our choices … for example, our indulgence in resources that result in greater suffering and inequality for others. God have mercy 🙏” – J
“It was when I admitted to being blind that I was able to see. See my own foolishness for dismissing God and my parents’ wisdom. I pray that I will be able to act on what He reveals now that I can see. 🙏🏼🙏🏼” – S
“Faith is a commitment to and trust in Christian teachings in the face of daily distractions and doubts.—C. S. Lewis. When I was younger I hungered for evidence. Now I am more moved by the mystery.” – O
“The humility that enables us to give up our position, our authority, our rights, gives us grace to serve one another and esteem others better than ourselves.” – Devotional
“I’m struck by that phrase “Jesus loved them to the end” – and am reminded of Matthew 24 where Jesus shares the signs of the end times : “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:12-13 NIV – the one who loves – keeps on loving – to the end are true followers of Jesus. It’s not just a spontaneous act of love but the consistent commitment to love others to the end that makes a lasting difference in a cold world.” – J
“I liked the phrase the author mentions, ‘Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ’.The Lord has promised us that his kindness will not depart from us. He will keep his covenant of peace with us. It is such a comfort to know we have that promise. In spite of what we are facing, may we find peace in him.” – R
“How very very true. To focus on the mountaintops. In Austria we have this very saying, ‘Berg auf’ – meaanin,g keep focusing on the top of the mountain as you walk up it, one can easy loose sight and perspective. And when I was at boarding school there the nuns used to give us these pearls of wisdom from living in that terrain all year round. And everything every single bit of advice is in the bible. It astounds me every single time. I never take it for grated. And as i grow older I so appreciate those golden words. Im like that deer that pants for water. Gods words.” – I
by: Jinha Kim
"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14