Discussion Questions 10 Feb 2024
Discussion Questions for “Names of God: El Shaddai” 20 Feb 2024
These questions are here to stimulate dialogue about today’s topic – feel free to skip around or discuss items not listed here.
- Where did your name come from? Your first, middle and last name – what does the name tell you about your family history and your parents’ hopes for you?
- What aspect of God’s name “El-Shaddai” is most meaningful for you right now? “God the provider” (like a mother nursing a baby), “God of the Mountain” (strong, mighty), “God the Destroyer” (judgment, protection), “God who is enough” (all-sufficient), “God who holds all things together” (sovereign, Lord)?
- Read Exodus 6:1-5. Why do you think God revealed Himself as El-Shaddai to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
- How does the revelation of God as El-Shaddai help us during times when God’s promises seem delayed or unfulfilled in our lives?
- What promise from El-Shaddai do you most need to claim this week? or, what new name do you long for?
“Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches. To everyone who is victorious I will give some of the manna that has been hidden away in heaven. And I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it.” Revelation 2:17
Thank you for coming today and contributing to our discussion.