5 Games to Make your Bible Study More Fun!
Bible study is the perfect time to open the word of God and create memories with family and friends. When you have a care group you also have a family, and families that play together grow together. Games are not just great ice breakers, but they’re also great for identifying hidden talents in others, breaking in the newbies to how “awesome” your group is, or just learning how to be more comfortable around each other. Here are five games that can help make any Bible study more fun.
1. Heads Up
For any one with a smart phone Heads Up is a game you can download on your phone that works exactly like charades except that you work in teams and one player has to guess the words by watching his teammates act out the word in front of them. The game comes with a lot of categories some free and some which you can buy for $0.99. You have to keep an eye on the clock with this one because next thing you know you’ll be rushing your lesson with 5 minutes left for you to run the study. You can downlod the app here.
2. Camera Hot Potato
Play hot potato with a camera. This camera game is a huge hit at parties. You set the camera’s self-timer, and pass it around the room (or table).Whoever has the camera must do a quick ‘selfie’ pose while holding the camera before passing it on to the next person. The result: lots of exciting and candid photos from one fun night. Great for Facebook Albums.
3. Honey I Love You
Honey I Love You, is another icebreaker that’s fun to play. Your group should be sitting in a circle again with one person in the middle. The person in the middle can go to anyone in the circle and say “Honey I love you, won’t you give me a smile?” The person who was asked the question has to answer back “Honey I love you, but I just can’t smile” (without smiling.) The person in the middle can do anything to the other person to make them smile except touch them. You have to be the judge as to what you call smiling.
4. Wink’Um
Have your group sit in a circle. With a deck of cards, have each player take a card until everyone has one. If there are seven players, take seven cards from the deck then pass those around. Make sure one of the cards is an ace of spades. The person who receives that secretly winks at the other players. If you are winked at, you say, “I’m dead” and throw your card in the middle. The object is to guess who has the ace of spades. If you think you know, state that you want to guess. If you’re wrong, you forfeit and die – if you are right, you win.
5. Fizz Bang!
This is one of my favorite games from primary school. Fizz Bang! is a counting game, in which players start at one and aim for 100. Instead of 3, or multiples of 3, say ‘fizz’; for 5 or multiples thereof, say ‘bang’. For multiples of 3 and 5, it’s ‘fizz bang’. So: I, 2, fizz, 4, bang, fizz, 7, 8, fizz, bang, 10, 11, fizz, 13, 14, fizz bang, etc. Make sure you split the teams evenly and play a few rounds before determining whether 100 is an achievable goal.
W ll there you have it; 5 games to make any Bible study more fun. Try not to play them all at once but do rather at your own pace. Have fun and God Bless!
Keep up the fantastic posts. I love reading stuff like this.
I’m glad yo liked it. Will try and keep it up