A Father’s Love
We have a little boy who is 4 years old. He has taught me many things in his short life time. But one thing parenthood has shown me is the wonder of a father’s love and how it is a reflection of God’s love for us.
Darrell has a special relationship with Zac. It has elements that I cannot emulate. There are things that only Darrell can inspire in Zac. Zac has a respect for his father that is different to his respect for me. Where Zac will cling to me and argue each point, he will obey Darrell much more quickly. He has more confidence in himself and is more independent with his father. As I realise God’s place in my life it becomes apparent that He is for me, on my side, and I can be more confident because of it.
When I see Darrell and Zac play together, deep in their own little world, I think of God creating baby pandas rolling around together, penguins slipping and sliding on the ice for fun and chimps teasing each other. God has a playful, fun side too! In a world steeped in sin and chaos it can be hard to see this but when we look for it, it will jump out at us.
Darrell also takes the time to teach Zac about his world. The colours and shapes. The numbers and letters. How to kick a ball. How to play music. How things work. Laying down the law is important but explaining how things work empowers a person. Jesus, a reflection of the Father, taught his disciples how the Kingdom of Heaven worked. He used language they could understand to teach them truths they had never known before. I imagine that before the Fall, Adam, Eve and God would talk about many things each evening. He would explain and answer their many questions. The openness and closeness they once enjoyed is something that we will strive for until He comes again.
Zac is extremely lucky. In a broken world, so many are not able to enjoy a close relationship with their father. And even more are unable to enjoy a close relationship with their heavenly Father. So much gets in the way. The truth is: the Father loves you himself (John 16:27). He is someone who knows you deeply, loves you truly and wants you to know Him intimately. Let’s not miss out on this blessing within our grasp.