A Prayer
Sometimes, we don’t have the words…. in those moments, reading the prayers of others (like the prayers of David in the Book of Psalms, or the prayers of other Christians) can help us voice what we are feeling.
This week, I have been feeling a bit down and found this prayer by Henri Nouwen helpful:
Dear Lord,Be with me today.Listen to my confusionand help me knowhow to live it.I don’t know the words.I don’t know the way.Show me the way.You are a quiet God.Help me to listento your voicein a noisy world.I want to be with you.I know you are peace.I know you are joy.Help me to be apeaceful and joyful person.These are the fruitsof living close to you.Bring me close to you,dear Lord. Amen.— Henri Nouwen
Henri Nouwen was a priest, theologian, writer and professor who went on to work with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. His prayer reminds me that everyone goes through darkness – but we can pray for light. Everyone experiences turmoil – but we can pray for peace.
May you too find comfort in prayer.
by: Jinha Kim
"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14