In Remembrance

A wooden cross marks a veteran's grave marker in an Ohio cemetery.

A soldier’s grave

Today, the 11th of November, we remember those who gave their lives during the First World War that ended after four long years on 11 am on 11 November 1918.  A minute of silence was dedicated at 11 am today to honour the memory of those who have suffered or died in wars and armed conflicts around the world.

Remembrance Day, as well as other Memorial days throughout the year and in different countries, give us the opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices of others that enable us to live in peace and safety today.  It helps us appreciate the legacy they have left us and pledge to leave a better world for the generations to come.

God also wants us to remember.  He has asked us to “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8) as a memorial of creation and salvation (Deuteronomy 5:15).  He asked us to remember our spiritual heritage and the way He has led us in the past (Isaiah 46:9).

In addition, He has asked us to remember His sacrifice: “And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me” (Luke 22:19).

When we have communion together, breaking bread that symbolises the body of Jesus that was broken for us, drinking the wine that represents the blood of Jesus spilt for us, we partake in remembering the cross.  We spend a thoughtful moment of prayer thinking of the sufferings of Jesus and why He endured such shame and agony.  We appreciate His exchange of life for ours and renew our commitment to Him.

Communion not only remembers the past but anticipates the future.  “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes” (1 Corinthians 10:26).

In remembering His death, we also look forward to the day when Jesus will come again to end sin, resurrect the dead, and wipe away our tears.

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

Receiving by Giving

From “Solid Ground” by Mark Finley:

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

When I was a boy we sometimes played a simple game with a ball.  One person stood on one side of the house, another person on the other.  The first person attempted to throw the ball over the house.  The second tried to catch it!  The ball would go up to the top of the roof and roll back.  It went up and back, up and back, up and back.

Some people’s Christian experience is like that – up and down, up and down.  They attempt to pray, they study the Bible regularly, but it seems there is no life to their Christian experience.

Is it possible to attend church consistently, feasting on a spiritual banquet each week, and still die of a spiritual heart attack?  Without a clear focus on service, our spiritual arteries become clogged.  For this reason Jesus said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ Acts 20:35.

In giving we are blessed.  As we share with others what Jesus has done for us, our own spiritual experience is strengthened.  The more we give away our faith, the more our faith grows.  It grows when we share it…

If you want a growing Christian experience, share your faith.  Make a prayer list.  Begin praying for your family members, neighbours, or work associates who don’t know Christ.  Share truth-filled literature with people God leads into your life.  The Lord may lead you to open your home for a small group Bible study.  He may open the door for you to give Bible studies to a close friend.  The Lord may even lead you to conduct your own evangelistic series.

However God leads you, be sensitive to His leading.  You will be utterly amazed at how you grow spiritually by getting involved in sharing your faith.  When we witness to others, the soul we save may very well be our own, for it is always ‘more blessed to give than to receive.’

How can you share your faith with others today?  Is there a song that comforts you that you can link on Facebook?  A video that inspires you?  A testimony that you can blog? Is there someone in need that you can minister to, whether it is by being a good listener or helping out financially?  Is God asking you to give more in a certain area of your life?

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

Christian Identity Theft

Picture from Destiny Family Christian Centre

Picture from Destiny Family Christian Centre

Last week, someone hacked into my email account and sent out spam to all my contacts.  It was highly frustrating as I had to change all my passwords (a herculean task for me – read Forgotten Passwords for the reason why) and let as many people know as possible that I had not sent them a dropbox folder containing investment “opportunities.”

As I mused on making my new password “Ih8hacker$,” I felt violated and indignant that my trust and my contacts’ trust had been so disrespected.  I was also wary of potential identify theft and spent hours combing through online accounts for my credit cards, utility bills, and social media.

No one likes a poser.

Perhaps that’s why so many are reluctant to take on the name, “Christian.”  Are we afraid of committing identity theft or violating the commandment not “to take the name of the Lord your God in vain” (Exodus 20:7) by claiming to be a follower of Christ when we’re so messed up?   Is being branded a “Christian hypocrite” worse than the Scarlet Letter being pinned to our chest?

Christians first got their name, “Christians,” in Antioch, an ancient Greek city.  The early disciples of Jesus were being persecuted in Jerusalem, so they scattered throughout the Roman Empire.  When they reached Antioch, they shared the good news of Jesus with the Greek pagans – “for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch” (Acts 11:26, NIV).

What made them Christians?  It wasn’t about how “holy” they were or how Christ-like they might or might not have been.  It was simply about their focus on Christ – on His life, ministry, death, and resurrection.  They loved to share about Jesus.

And why not?  He mingles with sinners.  He calls the outcasts.  He touches the untouchables.

A hypocrite is not someone who fails to live up to the ideals of his or her principles.  (If that were the definition, then we are all hypocrites, for no one observes perfect congruity between belief and practice.  Who doesn’t eat junk food even though we know it’s unhealthy?  Who gets adequate hours of sleep?  Who does not procrastinate?)  A hypocrite is someone who pretends to have virtues that he or she dos not actually possess.

You are not a hypocrite if you claim to be a Christian but fail to live a sinless life.  A Christian is someone who recognises that we are all sinners and that we need Jesus Christ to forgive and represent us in our place.  A Christian is someone who is honest about his or her vulnerability to selfishness, someone who is not ashamed to claim Jesus’ righteousness as our own.

“And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12).

It is only when we pretend to be holy on our own, or when we mask how we’re really doing, that we become Christian hypocrites.  It’s time to stop that kind of Christian identity theft.  Let’s give the name of Christianity back its original dignity by taking our mind off of ourselves – the anxiety about what others think, the desire to please or be praised – and by returning homage to the matchless Person of Jesus Christ.

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

Inside Out

Calvin & Hobbes

Calvin & Hobbes

I don’t even like chocolate.  Yet as I wiped away the angry tears I gnawed down the Snickers bar viciously.

It was one of those days.  The parking ticket attendant had almost snickered as I ran to the car, saying as he walked away, “Too late.”  $150.  That’s 3 months of nappies, I thought.  I was already having a down day, having had some bad news earlier.  The ticket was just the last straw.

I had a long commute to Melton, and as the tears and rain refused to abate, I started my diatribe against God.  He didn’t deserve it.  I also called Roy and belted out my feelings.  He didn’t deserve it either.  Then I told God, “Ok, you know I don’t really mean it.  And I know it’s really not that bad.  But this is how I feel…”

Have you seen that trailer for the new Pixar movie, Inside Out?  It’s all about the emotions (joy, fear, anger, disgust, sadness) living in our minds and determining our choices.  I have no idea if it will be a good movie or not, but it poses interesting questions: Do our feelings dictate our decisions? Can we control them?  How do we balance all our conflicting emotions?

By the time I got to Melton, God had given me peace about the day’s events, but I remained contemplative about how easily our moods can change.  Our favourite sports team wins, and life is awesome.  The same team loses, and life stinks.  We find a free parking spot in the city, and it’s our lucky day.  We get a parking ticket, and the world is against us.

It’s normal to feel a variety of emotions based on the circumstances.  However, are our extreme reactions indicative of an imbalance of perspective?

For example, could our hopes be too set on earthly things, which can disappoint and fail us? [“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matt 6:19-21]

Have we forgotten that our first-world problems are just that – symptoms of lives that are focused on self and unthinking of the real needs and issues of others?

Because, at the end of the day, thank God I can afford the $150 parking ticket.  I don’t have to go without food and Micah doesn’t have to forego nappies in order for us to pay that ticket (again, thank God).  And, as a friend astutely observed, we pay a lot of money for courses and training.  I paid $150 for a lesson in parking laws that I will never forget.

After all, it’s just money.  What I lost in my reaction was peace, perspective, and almost people – I took out my grumpiness on God and Roy, who are very understanding and gracious.  Not everyone who are unfortunate enough to be in our space during our emotional outbursts are as forgiving.  What if the parking attendant saw my irate face and then walked into my church the next week?  After all, he didn’t deserve my rage either.  It was really my fault.

When there is real loss, it is appropriate to grieve.  When there is real injustice, we should feel indignant. When others hurt, no matter the cause, we should offer support and sympathy.  But we may also need to spend some quiet time with God and ask Him to re-anchor what we value, prioritise, and feel in Christ – and Christ alone.


by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

Learning that Transforms

Excerpt from In Step with Jesus: The Journey Begins p 43:

Much of human learning is like addition.  We add to what we know about carpentry or cooking, about our careers or our hobbies, about being parents or grandparents.  But some learning is like an explosion. When the debris settles, we realise the landscape has changed.  This explosive kind of learning is called transformational learning.  And it is the kind of learning that the disciples experienced from the fallout of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus….

Transformational learning changes your most deeply held beliefs or assumptions – sometimes your worldview.  It changes the lens through which you see everything.  Because of the importance of transformational learning, many people have studied it, trying to figure out how it happens.  Here is the way one educator has described how we are changed by what we learn [James E. Loder, The Transforming Moment, 2nd e. (Colorado Springs, Colo.: Helmers and Howard, 1989), pp. 2-4]:

1. You experience a “crisis” or “disorienting dilemma,” for example, with a tragic of disappointing experience or with something you hear or read that your current persecutive cannot explain or help you endure.

2. During the search for an answer, you try to resolve the dilemma.  Your mind attempts to find an explanation.  This can last only minutes – or years.

3. The “aha moment” comes when you suddenly gain insight into the dilemma; you find a solution and experience a sense of relief or a sense that your world has been put back together again.  In spiritual matters, this is when the Holy Spirit gives new understanding.

4. The final step is interpretation and verification.  Now, with your new perspective, you interpret your life in a new way, looking differently at your experiences and beliefs, both current and past.  You also look to others to affirm the truthfulness of your new understanding.

Have you had transforming learning that have changed your worldview?  Did they follow this pattern?

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

The Call of Baal

It is loud; it is subtle.  It’s universal; it’s perpetual.

No matter where you are in the world, no matter your background, you would have heard the call of Baal – the god of rain.  That is, the god of wealth – for rain in the agricultural culture of Canaan represented the promise of good crops and abundance.

The Israelites had heard the call of Yahweh, too – the Creator God, who called His people into a relationship with Him that meant self-sacrifice, surrender, and even suffering.  He promised hope, eternal life, and meaning that would surpass the splendours of this world, but to many, the call of prosperity, peace, and popularity was far more appealing.  Never mind that the pursuit and worship of Baal did not actually fulfil their desires.  The illusion of it was enough.

So the nation, even the King, had succumbed to its allure.  King Ahab married Jezebel, a Canaanite princess and priestess whose name meant, “Where is the prince Baal?”  She sponsored 450 prophets of Baal to lead Israel to worship Baal and systematically executed the prophets of Yahweh.

But God would not stay silent at the persecution of the minority and the delusion of the majority.  He manoeuvred nature to stir up thoughts and questions that would shake their worldview.

He caused a famine in the land that worshipped the god of rain.  Day after day, when the children were thirsty and the crops withered away, the people would be confronted with the question, “Why is Baal not giving us rain? Is Baal god?”  Some doubted, but many maintained that Baal was still god, that they just needed to work harder, worship better, to please him and get what they wanted.

So many today are still entrapped in this cognitive dissonance.  We struggle to work, save, buy, sell, and build.  When the job fails or circumstances deter us from that dream, facts point towards the mercilessness of the Market and the instability of the value of riches.  We experience time and again that moths destroy and that thieves break in and steal, and yet we continue to work harder and give more homage (our time, efforts, and obsession) to the pursuit of worldly gain.

But God does not stay silent in this struggle of the masses.  He cries out through messengers for us to come and see for ourselves who is God.

The prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel bled themselves into a fury trying to get Baal to send fire down on their altar.  Finally, when evening came, Elijah poured water over the altar of Yahweh, three times.  Then he prayed:

“Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are God in Israel and I am Your servant, and that I have done all these things at Your word. Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that You are the Lord God, and that You have turned their hearts back to You again.”

Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench. Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!” (1 Kings 18:36-39)

God has proven Himself in history.  He has revealed Himself personally.  He calls us to resist the call of Baal and to worship Him only:

“How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” 1 Kings 18:20

The call is loud; it is subtle.  It’s universal; it’s perpetual.

No matter where you are in the world, no matter your background, the Lord God calls you to worship Him who alone can fulfil the true desires of your heart.

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

The Piercing Cry

It’s been two weeks since the surgery, so I’m back at work full-time now.

One of the hardest things about the recovery has been not being able to hold Micah. I can hug him carefully, but I cannot carry him, because I am not supposed to lift anything heavier than 5 kg for the first six weeks.

One evening, he was very upset because he couldn’t eat his apples AND ride his bike (mean mommy does not let him eat anywhere but at his high chair).  He cried like there was no tomorrow, no apples, no bikes in the world left to enjoy.  Worst of all, he reached out for me in his sobs, clinging to my neck, begging me to pick him up, but I couldn’t.

My heart broke as I tried to explain, “Mommy’s stomach hurts.  I want to hold you, but I can’t.”  He tried to climb onto me, but I had to pull away and ask my dad to take him.  That was so very difficult, not being able to comfort my child when he wanted me.

Screen Shot 2015-05-05 at 11.31.27 amIt made me think about the agony of the cross.  Not just for Jesus, who was in unimaginable pain, but for the Father, when Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”  As the angels pleaded for the Father to commission them to go and rescue their beloved Lord, the Father, with a broken heart, had to hold them back.  He knew what had to be done.

During the two days when Jesus was in the grave, the Father still had to constrain His omnipotent hand and His anxious heart.  He had to wait for that morning when Jesus Himself would break the bonds of death and rise, triumphant.

While the disciples hung their heads in sorrow, the Father dispatched angels to share the good news.  But they were too absorbed in their own heartaches to grasp the magnitude of the truth – Jesus was alive!

And so He waited for them to accept, believe, and delight in that revelation.  Jesus Himself appeared among them, discoursed alongside them, and ascended amidst them.

And so He waits for us, still.  While we feel forsaken in our short-sighted disappointments, while we wallow in our self-pity, God holds back in agony for what has to be done.  It may feel like an eternity of silence, but He has a timeline for the end of pain.  A day is coming when He will gather us in His arms and at last we’ll understand His piercing cry, “It is finished!”

“You number my wanderings;

Put my tears in Your bottle;

Are they not in Your book?”

Psalm 56:8, NIV

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

In His Hands

surgical-hands1Christmas Eve, I had a miscarriage.

Roy and I were looking forward to having another baby, and we were excited to find out in November that I was expecting.  For a month, I bubbled with inward glee that it was perfect timing, since I wanted Micah and the younger one to be 2 years apart.  A few of my close friends were also due around that time, so I was imagining play dates at the zoo and shared moments of maternal musings.

But Christmas Eve, the doctor confirmed that I had a miscarriage.  I was devastated.  Even though it was only the first trimester (1 in 4 pregnancies terminate in the first trimester, the doctor told me tritely), I had grown fond of my unborn child and already had a bub name picked out for her (I was convinced it was a girl).  I had so many plans and expectations for 2015.

Thankfully, my family visited over the Christmas holidays, so in our travels to Sydney, Ballarat, and the Great Ocean Road, I didn’t have a chance to dwell on my disappointments.  But when they left and month after month I wasn’t pregnant, I had many serious conversations with God.

“God, You gave us Micah at the perfect time, so I know You know best.  But…. But Lord, I really want another baby… I really want to have another baby soon.  I trust You, but … it’s still hard.”

The prayers helped, and I came to accept that the Life-Giver had me in His hands.

A week ago, when I suddenly collapsed in pain, unable to breathe, I knew something was seriously wrong.  We ended up at the hospital the next day, and to our utter amazement heard the doctor say, “You have gallstones lodged in your bile duct, causing inflammation of your liver.  Let’s do the surgery tomorrow.”

As they were wheeling me to the theatre, and the ceiling panels were passing by, I kept thinking, “I’m so glad I’m not pregnant…. I’m so glad I have medicare… I’m so glad I came to the hospital.”  Five hours later, I woke up groggy and in pain, but still grateful that the surgery had gone well.

I don’t believe God caused my miscarriage.  Pain and death are the results of living in a sinful world.  But I do believe God heard my prayer for His will to be done in my life, and that He did not give me a baby while my body was not ready to host another living being.  I also believe that this surgery is a gift, an opportunity to slow down and do what I’ve wanted to do for months – read the books piled next to the bed, do my US taxes, have longer FaceTime with my family, and catch the rhythm of grace – that breath in of God’s promises, that breath out of praise:

In His time, In His Time
He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Lord please show me every day
As You’re teaching me Your way
That You do just what You say
In Your time.

In Your time, In Your Time
You make all things beautiful in Your time.
Lord my life to You I bring
May each song I have to sing
Be to you a lovely thing
In Your time.

– Diane Ball

He makes all things beautiful in His time.  He makes all things beautiful in His hands.

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

The Power of “No”

micahMicah has learned how to say “no.”  Before, he used to just shake his head or push away whatever he didn’t want, but now he says “no” quite emphatically, and with great pleasure.

When the little word immediately gets the results that he wants, he smiles and savours the power of that word.

“Please come down,” I ask, and he looks straight in my eyes and says, “No.”

“Time for bed!” Grandpa announces, and Micah clings to his toys and says, “No.”

“Let’s change your nappy!” Roy suggests, and Micah runs away, looking back long enough to say, “No.”

Sometimes, we tell him he has no choice and carry him, kicking and crying, to the bed or change table.  But sometimes, we have to honour this growing independence.

After all, he is his own person, and there are some things we cannot force.  If he doesn’t want to eat, we cannot wrench his clenched teeth apart without causing him to choke on the food.  If he doesn’t want to read a book, we cannot anchor him to our laps.

So we coax, plead, and bribe him to get into the pram, to eat his veggies, and to tuck his inner wrestler away as we change his nappy.  Sometimes, there are tears (on both sides).  Sometimes, there is just frustrated resignation (on both sides).

And at the end of a long day, I ask God, “How do you do it? How do you have the patience to give us free will?  How do you have the self-control to watch us delight in selfish, short-sighted decisions?  How can you trust us and give us such benefit of the doubt?”

For I often say “no” to God.  And I enjoy it.  And when He coaxes, pleads, and bribes me with promises and rewards, like a child, I think I am in control.  And when I don’t get my way, I throw as good as tantrum as any toddler.

But He still gives me the power to say “no.”

And it’s through that realisation, that God suffers long on my behalf, that I am learning the power of saying “no” –

No to my own timelines and plans, no to my own desires, and no to the lies inside my head.

There’s a song that I love; the lyrics say:

I was just a child, when I felt the Savior leading
I was drawn to what I could not understand
And for the cause of Christ, I have spent my days believing
That what He’d have me be, who I am

As I’ve come to see the weaker side of me
I realize His grace is what I’ll need
When sin demanded justice for my soul

Mercy said no
I’m not going to let you go
I’m not going to let you slip away
You don’t have to be afraid
Mercy said no
Sin will never take control
Life and death stood face to face
Darkness tried to steal my heart away
Thank You Jesus, Mercy said no

For God so loved the world, that He sent His son to save us
From the cross He built a bridge to set us free
Oh, but deep within our hearts, there is still a war that rages
And makes a sacrifice so hard to see

As midnight fell upon the crucifixion day
The light of hope seemed oh so far away
As evil tried to stop redemption’s flow


And now when heaven looks at me
It’s through the blood of Jesus
Reminding me of one day long ago


That is the power of “no.”

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

Happy Birthday to me…


I turned 24 today.  That is, as a Christian.  I was baptised on Saturday, 2 March 1991, in a very cold tank whose hot water function had unfortunately broken that day.  As I entered that baptismal fount, shivering, I remember the pastor gently taking my hand and confiding to me, “It’s cold, isn’t it?  I’m cold, too.”  Then he baptised me in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and I began my personal relationship with God in a more intentional way than before.

Every year, I celebrate this anniversary and reflect back on how God has led me. I also spend the day asking myself some serious questions – “Have I grown in the past year?  Am I more like Jesus?   Do I understand God better? How can I grow closer to Him in the new year? How can I serve Him better?”

At the end of the day, I am drawn back to my knees as I confess that I am still so far from being like Jesus.  However, I also thank God from the bottom of my heart that yes, I do understand Him better.  In the past year, He has shown me new sides of His character.

For example, I have seen Him as a Patient Father.  Being a parent of a toddler, I am constantly second-guessing myself and my son – am I disciplining him correctly?  Does he even understand me?  Am I consistent? Am I too lenient?  When I find myself getting frustrated with Micah’s frustration, I wonder how God can be so patient with me.  He does not demand full comprehension nor compliance.  He simply models what I should do and loves me through it, encouraging or challenging me as needed.  I am daily amazed at how much He trusts me – even though I have proven myself untrustworthy.  He always believes in me and works with my potential.

In the past year, He has also taught me to rest in Him.  Sometimes I can get so wrapped in doing things that I forget to simply abide in Him and enjoy His presence:

“Many, even in their seasons of devotion, fail of receiving the blessing of real communion with God. They are in too great haste. With hurried steps they press through the circle of Christ’s loving presence, pausing perhaps a moment within the sacred precincts, but not waiting for counsel. They have no time to remain with the divine Teacher. With their burdens they return to their work.  These workers can never attain the highest success until they learn the secret of strength. They must give themselves time to think, to pray, to wait upon God for a renewal of physical, mental, and spiritual power. They need the uplifting influence of His Spirit. Receiving this, they will be quickened by fresh life. The wearied frame and tired brain will be refreshed, the burdened heart will be lightened.  Not a pause for a moment in His presence, but personal contact with Christ, to sit down in companionship with Him–this is our need. Happy will it be for the children of our homes and the students of our schools when parents and teachers shall learn in their own lives the precious experience pictured in these words from the Song of Songs:

“As the apple tree among the trees of the wood,
So is my Beloved among the sons.
I sat down under His shadow with great delight,
And His fruit was sweet to my taste.
He brought me to the banqueting house,
And His banner over me was love.” Canticles 2:3, 4.

In the new year, I want His banner of love waving over me with great delight.  I want to simply enjoy the fact that He is near and that He is good.

In the new year, I also want to recommit to being on God’s side – a young African pastor from Zimbabwe made the following statement that I find very inspiring:

I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have Holy Spirit power, my die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I’m a disciple of Jesus. I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I’m finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, worldly talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals. I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don’t have to be right, first, tops, recognized, or rewarded. I now live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, am uplifted by prayer, and labor by power. My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my Guide is reliable, and my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won’t give up, shut up, let up, until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, preached up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me-my banner will be clear.

I want my banner to be clear, and I want it to be His, not my own insignia of self-motivated second-guessing.

I want to celebrate my spiritual birthday by lifting up this praise:

I have not much to offer You
Not near what You deserve
But still I come because Your cross
Has placed in me my worth

Oh, Christ my King of sympathy
Whose wounds secure my peace
Your grace extends to call me friend
Your mercy sets me free

And I know I’m weak, I know I’m unworthy
To call upon Your name
But because of grace, because of Your mercy
I stand here unashamed

I can’t explain this kind of love
I’m humbled and amazed
That You’d come down from heavens heights
And greet me face to face

And I know I’m weak, I know I’m unworthy
To call upon Your name
But because of grace, because of Your mercy
I stand here unashamed

Here I am at Your feet
In my brokenness complete
Here I am at Your feet
In my brokenness complete…

At Your feet

– Jon & Tim Neufeld; Douglas Mckelvey

Thank you, Father, for giving me another year to stand in the power of Your grace.

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14