In our busy daily life, sometimes we forget to look
Does God care what happens to the land? To animals
All sermons, including the latest live-stream, are on our Youtube site.
What does it mean to be a Christian? What does it mean to be a disciple? How can we have a genuine and growing relationship with God?
There are two general categories of emotions: positive emotions, which are enjoyable – contentment, surprise, and happiness; then there are negative emotions – sadness, anxiety, fear, anger, shame, and guilt. We have been socially trained to largely avoid negative emotions. Join us as we navigate negative emotions from a biblical perspective.
Did you know that God designed a ‘fail-safe’ for the powerful hero, Samson? But he refused to use the fail-safe and this led to his downfall. Explore how we can apply lessons from the success and failure of Samson.
Historically, God always surprised by doing powerful, miraculous, creative things that challenged, inspired and awed humanity. Do we still expect great things from God? Are we open to the new ways He may be working now?
Do you ever feel like you’re inconveniencing God when you ask for help? Or do you feel like you shouldn’t be asking for help in certain situations? What does God think about our requests for assistance? We will be exploring Mark 2 this weekend to answer these questions.
“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.(Colossians 4:6). What does it mean to speak with grace? What does it mean to be “salty” Christians who rightly represent Jesus to others?