Discussion questions 1 March 2025

These questions are a starting point to help spark discussion that digs deeper into today’s topic – feel free to adapt or add additional questions of your own.   

  1. Personal testimony can be very inspiring and encouraging to hear. How has hearing someone else’s story of faith when facing challenging experiences or circumstances impacted your own faith journey? Why do you think personal stories of God’s faithfulness hold such power?
  2. In Matthew 5:3-12 [click to read online], Jesus shares the Beatitudes where He calls blessed those who are poor in spirit, those who mourn, and those who are persecuted. How do you see the connection between these blessings and the struggles we might face in the ‘valleys’ of life?
  3. How has your relationship with God made a difference in the way you face challenges or celebrate joys? What does hope look like when you trust God?
  4. 2 Corinthians 12:9 [click to read online] speaks about God’s strength being made perfect in our weakness. Have you experienced God’s strength in your own moments of weakness, and what has this taught you about relying on Him more fully?
  5. Have you ever thought about sharing your own experiences of God’s faithfulness? What’s one small step you could take this week to begin sharing your story, whether it’s with a friend, to a small group, or through a written reflection?
  6. Not all of our faith experiences are dramatic or life-changing, yet even the small moments where we trust God or see evidence of His guidance in our daily lives can be powerful. Can you think of a recent moment where you saw or felt God working in your life, even through something very simple? How can sharing these everyday moments of faith still be used to inspire others, even if they may not seem big or extraordinary?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and being involved in today’s discussion!