Discussion questions 11 January 2025
These questions are a starting point to help spark discussion that digs deeper into today’s topic – feel free to adapt or add additional questions of your own.
- Bronwyn shared with us the physical importance of a ‘rest day’ when it comes to exercising muscles, in order for muscle growth and strengthening to properly occur. How much of a connection do you think there is between physical and spiritual rest? What does true rest look like to you?
- In your day-to-day life, what is your biggest challenge when it comes to keeping the Sabbath as a genuine time of spiritual refreshment? What are some approaches that you’ve found to be helpful?
- If you’ve been keeping Sabbath for many years, how has your understanding or appreciation of Sabbath changed over this time? Or if Sabbath is a newer tradition for you – what has your experience with Sabbath rest been so far?
- Throughout Jesus’ ministry, he challenged people’s preconceptions of what keeping Sabbath actually looked like: as well as rest, Jesus also spent time to actively engage in the wellbeing of others. Read Matthew 12:9-14 [click to read online]. What stands out to you in this passage?
- Sabbath is designed to be a delight and a joy – a blessing, not a burden. Read Isaiah 58:13-14 [click to read online]. How does this match with your current experience of Sabbath? If today’s sermon or discussion has sparked any ideas or new inspiration for ways you might observe Sabbath, what might this look like in your life over the next few weeks?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and being involved in today’s discussion!