Discussion questions 22 March 2025


These questions are a starting point to help spark discussion that digs deeper into today’s topic – feel free to adapt or add additional questions of your own.   


  1. Do you remember what your favourite animal was when you were a child? What did you like the most about it, and is it still your favourite animal today?
  2. What aspects of nature or the unique features of animals particularly stand out to you as a demonstration of God’s creativity? How do you think humour in creation might reflect God’s joy in His work and His desire for us to enjoy His creation?
  3. Jesus spent time in nature or withdrew to pray in solitude. How might regular time spent in nature become a spiritual practice that helps you to refocus on God and deepen your relationship with Him? Does this appeal to you, or what might you find challenging about it?
  4. What are some memorable animal stories that come to mind for you from the Bible?
  5. Reflect on Genesis 2:15 [click to read online] – what does this verse tell us about our responsibility to care for creation, including animals and their habitats? What are some practical ways we can show care and respect for the environment in our daily lives?
  6. Reflect on Psalm 104:24-35 [click to read online]. What stands out to you the most in this passage? How does this Psalm explain the connection between creation and our Creator?
  7. How can we share the joy and wonder of creation with others, especially younger generations?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and being involved in today’s discussion!