Discussion Questions 23 Nov 2024
Discussion Questions 16 Nov 2024: The Mountain Highway
These questions are here to stimulate dialogue about today’s topic – feel free to skip around or discuss items not listed below.
- What was most memorable for you from the sermon (whether you liked or disliked it)?
- Read Matthew 5:38-48. How did Jesus make a “new” way?
- Jesus’ ministry broke down barriers between people. What are some barriers (cultural, social, personal) you can work to remove this Christmas season to connect with others?
- Are there specific traditions, habits, or spiritual practices you can incorporate into your Christmas preparations to help you and your family reflect on Jesus’ coming?
- Read Isaiah 40:3-5. What “mountains” in your life need to be levelled? What “valleys” need to be raised? What obstacles need to be removed and crooked things made straight?
- How can you actively prepare the way for others to meet Jesus? Is there someone in your life who might benefit from an invitation, conversation, or gift of encouragement?
- How can we, as a group or community, “prepare the way” for Jesus together? Are there acts of service or outreach we could do to reflect His love during this season?
Thank you for coming today and contributing to our discussion!
by: Jinha Kim
"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14