Discussion Questions 25 Feb 2023
Discussion Questions for “The Point of Church” 25 Feb 2023
These questions are here to stimulate dialogue about today’s topic – feel free to skip around or discuss items not listed here.
- What are some of the things Jesus did while He was on Earth? How does this inform our mission?
- If Jesus was starting a church in Melbourne in 2023, what would it look like? Who would be the leaders? Who would it minister to?
- In your own words, what is the point of church?
- Why is Jesus coming “in the flesh” so important to the story of Jesus?
- Who may God be nudging you towards investing more of your life into for Him?
Thank you for coming today and contributing to our discussion.
by: Jinha Kim
"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14