Discussion Questions 29 Oct 2022

Discussion Questions “Christ and Culture”

These questions are here to stimulate dialogue about today’s topic – feel free to skip around or discuss items not listed below.

  1. Can you think of examples in history when Christians influenced culture, both positively and negatively?
  2. Can you think of examples when culture has influenced the Church, both positively and negatively? 
  3. How can Christians challenge the culture around us in a respectful and productive manner?  What are some important do’s and don’ts when engaging in dialogue with others who think differently? 
  4. How can the church be relevant in our cultural context?  How do we do mission? 
  5. H. Richard Niebuhr’s 1951 models for Christians’ response to culture had 5 models:
    • 1) Christ against culture
      • Ex: Human beings are sinful and thus culture is full of tendencies and avenues for corruption.  Social media is an example of such.  It must be avoided.
    •  2) Christ of culture
      • Ex: Social media is an extension of God’s creation, here for us to develop and use however we wish.
    •  3) Christ above culture
      • Ex: Social media is a fine product of culture, but it’s nowhere near the sublime beauty of Christ. We can use social media but must recognise that Christ has more to offer than the computer.
    • 4) Christ and culture in paradox
      • Ex: Social media may be used, but with care not to indulge too deeply.  We have to use it because we live in the world, but we should also resist it at times.
    •  5) Christ transforming culture
      • Ex: Social media is an outgrowth of human creativity given by God, but because sin infects everything, Christians are called to transform social media to be used in the name of Christ.

Which model resonates with you the most?  Is one model appropriate for all circumstances? Can you think of examples when a particular model would be best?

Thank you for coming today & contributing to our discussion!


by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14