Giving to Others this Christmas
Christmas is a season of gifts – not just toys and presents to our loved ones, but gifts of service, forgiveness, and generosity towards those who aren’t on our “nice” list. It’s also a great time to remember those who are in need. Here’s a list from ADRA in Victoria that may inspire you to get into the holiday spirit:
1. Teddy Bears.
Pam Hughes has been making the teddy bears for our women’s housing care packs every month. We also sell the bears at our op shops. The pattern is attached here: HowToMakeaTeddyBear.
2. Care Packs for the Women’s Housing network.
We require 13 packs each month for women and children escaping family violence. Just send an email and we can provide the ADRA green material bags to put the items in. Why not see if you can make your own soaps in your children’s divisions? Check out this great resource here.
3. Tin Food Collection
Mt Macedon SDA Church has been involved in a Tin Food Collection for ADRA’s Emergency Relief programs over the last year. Another great way for pathfinders to meet their neighbours, earn their community service award while also supporting the local ADRA food pantry for people in need.
4. Chocolate
Who doesn’t love chocolate! Why not educate the kids about ADRA while making chocolate? The Soul Cocoa project improves the lives of cocoa farmers and their families in the Solomon Islands. The project provides practical training to local farmers and empowers them to improve the quality of their cocoa beans. This enables them to sell their beans at a higher rate and help their families thrive. More info here.
5. ADRA Christmas Trees
Being involved in ADRA’s Christmas Tree fundraiser is as simple as setting up a Christmas tree in a prominent place at your centre, placing the Christmas gift tags on the tree and promoting the initiative. People can then choose from many and varied gifts: a $2 exercise book for a young student in Malawi; a $5 school lunch for a Syrian refugee child; a $10 hot meal for an Australian doing it tough; a $45 beehives for a woman in Africa to produce honey and earn a livings; and much more. These gift tags will be included in your Christmas Tree pack. When someone chooses a gift from the ADRA Christmas Tree, they will receive a tag like the ones below. They can keep the tag in recognition of the unforgettable gift they have given, or give it as a Christmas present to a family member or a friend. Register to receive your free pack. You can view all the gifts online.
6. Volunteer
We have a number of opportunities to volunteer through our op shops (Boronia, Bairnsdale, Longwarry and Mitcham), the women’s housing program, our community meal and food parcel programs, or our refugee settlement programs.
For more information, go to their website.
by: Jinha Kim
"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14