Inspired living
I got a store catalogue in the mail this week. Inside were an array of lovely (and oh-so-affordable!) homewares – everything from cushions, furniture, kitchen items, clothing and accessories. Nothing I need, but lots of things I could potentially convince myself I did.
As I was looking at it, the title of the catalogue caught my eye: Inspired Living.
Inspiration is certainly a go-to word right now: we use it to describe everything from celebrities to juice cleanses. Of course, the question behind any inspiration is – what is its source? In the case of the catalogue, the inspiration is driven by the latest design trends… lasting only as long as the trend remains trendy, before it’s replaced by the next latest thing.
True inspired living is not about owning a scented candle in the Pantone colour of the year (…Greenery, if you were curious), arranging framed motivational posters or gracing your kitchen with geometric fruit bowls in rose gold.
Being a Christian is all about inspired living – it’s a life that is inspired, as a follower of Christ, to lead a life inspired by something greater than this world.
You won’t find it in a catalogue, because it’s not something that can be purchased with money.
You won’t discard it once a new season arrives, because it will stand the test of time.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2
That’s what true inspired living looks like.