Jewels from John
Week 1 of our Bible reading plan is done (you can still join here) – here are some quotes / snippets from some of the sharing:
“Jesus was not a people pleaser – he was not motivated by the desire to be liked and commended by others … yet He loved people completely – He was motivated by a desire to LOVE them as Himself … perhaps when our love for God and others is greater than our own self-love (wanting approval), we care less about what others think of us and more about their needs. A huge challenge 🙏” – J
“It’s incredible how the Bible still has the answer to modern desires for external validation and worldly acceptance. But sometimes even if we know that’s not our worth, the dark side works twice, thrice as much to make us feel that we aren’t enough in this world and we need to do more to be sufficient and be liked and loved. But, yes…we need the life of Jesus to remind us that our value don’t rest on other people’s approval, rather on how we live life in Christ for others.” – W
“It can be hard to love someone after seeing them at their worst or knowing their faults. To love a criminal, a hurtful gossip, a selfish/mean person… This is the love of God.” – B
“From my experience, when you do God’s work and you see it manifesting in those that you try to reach, it satisfies you like nothing else. Having said that, I need to hunger and thirst for His word more. Because when we’re aligned with Him, we are able to positively impact others more.” – S
by: Jinha Kim
"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14