MCAC Retreat 2023 Info
We’re so excited to have you at our church retreat! Here’s more info about the weekend:
Location: Whitehall Guesthouse, 11 Learmonth St, Queenscliff VIC 3225
MCAC 2023 Retreat Schedule
- Friday 20 October
- 6:30 – 8 pm – Dinner
- 8 pm – Worship
- 9 pm Hot drinks / relax
- Saturday 21 October
- 8:30 am – Breakfast (cold cereals, fruits available anytime before; hot foods served at 8:30 am)
- 10:30 am – Worship (children’s program @ 10:45 am)
- 12 pm – Group picture
- 12:30 pm – Lunch
- 2 pm – Free time / Queenscliff Beach/observatory
- 5 pm Worship
- 6 pm – Dinner
- 8 pm – Games & movie night
- Sunday 22 October
- 8:30 am – Breakfast (cold cereals, fruits available anytime before; hot foods served at 8:30 am) / pack up
- 10:00 AM – Worship
- 11:00 AM – Barefoot Bowls @ Queenscliff Bowling Club
- 12 pm – Optional lunch in Queenscliff (out of pocket)
- What do I need to bring? Toiletries, thongs (the toilets and showers are communal). Drink bottles, hat, sunscreen, comfortable clothes, your fav board games, Bible journaling/crafts material if you want/have them.
- Do I need to bring bedding or towels? Nope, all bedding & towels are provided.
- Where’s my room? here’s the floor plan: http://www.whitehallqueenscliff.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Web-capture_18-2-2022_175119_.jpeg
- How much do I need to pay for the retreat? $40/adult/night, children are free. Please transfer to: Melbourne City Adventist Church: BSB 033-017 Account 307894
- Who’s the guest speaker? Pr Lyndelle Peterson, Ministerial Association associate secretary for the Australian Union Conference. She’s a dynamic and insightful speaker and will be sharing about trailblazers, looking at different characters in the bible and how they were radical for their time but also regular people that God used to do amazing things for him.
- How can I help? Each of you has been rostered ONCE to a set-up or clean-up team for a meal during the weekend. All part of the fun!
by: Jinha Kim
"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14