New Podcasts/Videos
Wanting to learn & grow more in your spiritual journey? Check out these new resources:
How the Church Works
Hosted by documentary filmmaker Nina Vallado and Humans of Adventism creator Kaleb Eisele, How the Church Works is an eleven-part investigative podcast that examines Adventist history, identity and legacy, and if Adventism is relevant in our changing world. If you have curiosity, confusion or frustration about how the church works, this podcast is for you. https://www.howthechurchworks.com
Adventist Review TV
Want to watch inspiring testimonies and documentaries? Register to get free video resources at Adventist Review TV
The Chosen TV
Season 3 of this dramatised life of Jesus is now streaming for free!
What (else) do you think?
A sequel to the first series (“What do you think?”), these 13 videos explore questions of relativism, morality, justice, existence of God, etc.
Right Now Media
New videos to help you with bible studies and navigate relationships have been released on Right Now Media – MCAC has paid for your subscription, just click here to confirm an account: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/en/user/melbournecityadventistchurch
by: Jinha Kim
"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14