Reasons to Rejoice: Lessons from Philippians
Reasons to Rejoice: Lessons from Philippians
For the past 14 weeks, I’ve uploaded weekly videos sharing insights from the Book of Philippians, passage by passage (watch here).
Now that I’ve finished, here’s a summary of what I call “reasons to rejoice,” the main points & reflection questions from each lesson.
- Church community matters, because we are partners in sharing God’s love to the world. We need each other to fulfil God’s will for our lives.
- Who has been your partner in the gospel? what are your shared goals?
- What are you & your partners working on currently for God?
- When we learn to love each other well, God is glorified. This requires growing in our spiritual knowledge and insights.
- How can we grow in our love?
- Who can you pray for today?
- How can you show your love to that person better?
- Reframe your circumstances. Our challenging circumstances can be opportunities for reaching new people.
- How might you find manna in the wilderness?
- How might God be using this situation to help you become a pioneer, an engineer making new ground for God to work?
- Who might God be trying to reach through you?
- Paul has certainty in this uncertainty because He knows God is certain and because he knows prayers have power.
- During these uncertain times, what do you hope in?
- Who do you live for? Think about what you spend the most time doing or thinking about or investing in. Our life is a measure of our time. What are you living for?
- What changes do you need to make today to live for Christ?
- Conflict within the church not only hurts our community; it also kills our witness. Paul teaches us to value others above ourselves, considering the needs of others.
- How can we be united?
- What is one thing you can do this week to put someone else’s interests first above your own?
- Who is someone in the church you can get to know better this week, so that you can meet their need?
- Jesus had all the privilege and power of being divine but He submitted, obeyed, surrendered, and served. If we want the world to be different, if we want a better, more just society, we too must practice power differently. True humility is being secure in our intrinsic value and final destiny as children of God and willingly pouring out every advantage we have in service for others.We must follow Jesus into a downward, cross-shaped journey of love and humility.
- Where in your life do you value power or control more than love and service?
- What might God be asking you to lay down for the sake of others?
- “It is not by imitation, but by incarnation – “Christ lives in me” (Gal 2:20). The Christian life is not a series of ups and downs. It is rather a process of “ins and outs.” God works in, and we work out.” Warren Wiersbe. We must prayerfully discover God’s specific purpose for each of us and fulfil His call.
- What is God’s will for my life right now?
- How can I avoid falling into “grumbling and arguing”?
- We all need the prayers and spiritual support of others. Even Paul leaned on others like Timothy and Epaphroditus.
- Who has nurtured your faith? Are you nurturing anyone personally? Why or why not?
- What defines membership in God’s family is being a new creation, being part of a community that glories in God. There is a cost of discipleship – we must be wholly dependent on God.
- What do you need to “count as loss” to grow in your relationship with God?
- Do you wan tot know Jesus? What will enable you to know Him truly?
- Our failures can overcome us with guilt, anxiety, depression, fear – we can get stuck on our past and be paralysed from moving forward. The secret to spiritual growth is understanding th power of grace empowering us to never give up.
- What are some reasons you give up in your endeavours?
- What are are somethings you need to “forget” to keep striving towards God’s purpose for your life?
- As citizens of heaven, we are called to bring the culture, life, and principles of heaven to Earth so that people who are ONLY thinking of earthly things can discover that there’s a new way to live, so that they too can experience healing and restoration for their body, mind and soul. Being a follower of Jesus is not about being stuck in one stance or being inflexible – it’s about standing firm in the Lord so that where His Spirit goes, we go too, and where His Spirit rests, we stay.
- How does Jesus challenge your perception of what is considered “ordinary behaviour” in our culture?
- What might Christ be calling you to reconsider through His eyes?
- Our anxiety will give away to peace as we practise these 4 things: 1) Rejoicing and celebrating in the Lord 2) Praying through petition and thanksgiving 3) Thinking of good things 4) Doing what God wants us to do.
- What’s something you can celebrate today? Spend some time celebrating and thanking God.
- What is something true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy in the world? Spend some time learning & thinking about how it reflects the character of God.
- We have a choice in how we respond to the pain in the world. We can just plough through it, try to escape it, or we can choose to accept God’s plan of global redemption by being grateful recipients of grace but also willing givers – through His strength, giving of our time, heart and resources, through His strength, forgiving, listening, and healing. And when we are part of this chain of God’s grace, we learn to be content with what we have – because when we lack, we know God will provide. And when we have more than enough, we can share with those who need. So instead of wanting more, we recognise how much we already have. From that place of gratitude and generosity, we experience peace. Whatever situation we find ourselves in, we can do all things through Him who gives us strength.
- Think of a time when God provided for you (financially, socially, spiritually). How did He provide? How might He be providing for you again now?
- Think of someone who might be in need (financially, socially, spiritually) in your community. How can you be a participant of God’s providence?
- Persecution nor pressure could stop the Jesus movement; even members of Caesar’s household had become Christians. We are not alone; there is a fellowship of believers around the world who can encourage us. And we have the promise and assurance that Jesus is always with us. With His presence and with the community of faith, we can rejoice always.
by: Jinha Kim
"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14
I am grateful for this insights of yours it helps me. God bless you more