Reliability of the Bible

So last Saturday I presented 5 reasons for the Reliability of the Bible (you can watch it again here starting 37:40) – here are some further resources that give us reasons to believe in the reliability of the Bible:

Archeological discoveries:

Other Resources: (you need a Right Now Media account to access these videos – just email if you’d like a free account!)

Chart of Ancient Writings:

Author Book Date Events Occurred Date Written Earliest Copies Time Gap # of Copies
Homer Iliad 1300-1100 BC 800 BC 400 BC 400 years


Herodotus History 1400-400 BC 480-425 BC AD 900 1350 years


Thucydides History 431-404 BC 460-400 BC AD 900 1300 years


Plato Dialogue 427-347 BC 427-347 BC AD 900 1300 years


Caesar Gallic Wars 100-44 BC 100-44 BC AD 900 1000 years


Livy History of Rome 800 BC – 9 BC 59 BC – AD 17 AD 4th c. (partial) AD 10th c. 400 years – 1000 years 1 partial

19 copies

Tacitus Annals AD 14 – 68 AD 100 AD 1100 1000 years


Pliny Secundus Natural History AD 61-113 AD 850 750 years


New Testament 5 BC – AD 95 AD 50-100 AD 80 (fragment)

AD 125 books

AD 325 (complete NT)


100 years

225 years

24,000 mss


by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14