
When’s the last time you looked up at the stars?

Astronomer Kareem El-Badry created a new plot this week (February 22, 2021) of more than a million pairs of binary stars (double stars orbiting a common centre of gravity).  You can watch the 3D atlas here.

It’s astounding to think about how many stars there are in our sky – let alone our solar system, galaxy, and universe!

We don’t think about them much, because we cannot always see them.

And even when they’re visible, we aren’t always paying attention.  We’re too busy looking down at our phones.  Or driving our cars. Or turning on the lights.

When’s the last time you looked up at the stars?

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You are invited

I was invited by my good friends Rosie and Hannah to join other young people for this exciting project called ShareHim back in 2015. I had no idea what ShareHim was about but a mission trip to Mexico with the crew sounded quite exciting. I later found out that ShareHim required each participant to hold an evangelistic campaign every night for two weeks at a designated church. At that point in life, I had previously had the chance to preach here and there but preaching every night for two weeks was daunting to say the very least. But I decided to take up the invitation and head to Tuxla Gutierez, Chiapas, Mexico.

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My beautiful cyclamen plant has been providing my house with vibrant red flowers for the past few months. I have been faithfully watering the dish when it gets dry and removing the dead blooms. I was getting proud of my once brown thumb now turning green. But the past couple of days there have been more dead blooms than live ones and the lush, green leaves are turning yellow. Dismayed, I thought, “Are my brown thumbs showing their true colours?” 

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The “Done” List

I’ve been going through a weight-loss program called “Noom.”  Truth be told, I did really well the first 2 weeks (lost 2 kgs) but then it was my birthday weekend, we had our father-in-law with us for 3 weeks, and many more excuses later I’ve gained back everything and then some.  But while I haven’t been 100% committed to the nutrition, exercise, and sleep recommendations on the program, I have been reading the daily tips pretty faithfully.

“Noom” provides psychological, scientific and practical tips each day to help you modify your thinking & behaviour.

Today, it told me the physiological effects of stress (that includes weight gain) and reminded me to start each day with a smile and enjoy JOMO (joy of missing out).  It also told me to forget my to-do list and start the day with a “done” list.  Huh?

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

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Under His Wings

This past weekend we went to Philip Island for our church camp.  Saturday afternoon we strolled along the Nobbies boardwalks and saw spectacular views of the coast.  We also saw several fairy penguins in their little burrows as well as under the boardwalk.

These little penguins are not only adorable, but they’re unique.  This particular specie of penguins is not only the smallest, but also the only penguin with blue and white feathers.  They can spend over 4 weeks out at sea fishing for anchovies, squid, and even sea jellies.  Once they’ve found enough food, they wait in groups for dusk, when they can hide from predators, and then they waddle across the shore to find their way home.

Using unique calls, the parents call for their chicks, who cheep back until they are reunited.  The parent then regurgitates the food and feeds the hungry baby who has been patiently waiting all day (or several days) for a feed.  Then they nest together in their burrows for a rest.

Through nature we can see the devotion of parents towards their young and the total dependence of the young in their parents.  It is a lovely picture of the kind of love and trust that can develop between God and His people.

Psalm 36:5-9

Your love is faithful, Lord,

and even the clouds in the sky

can depend on you.

Your decisions are always fair.

They are firm like mountains,

deep like the sea,

and all people and animals

are under your care.

Your love is a treasure,

and everyone finds shelter

in the shadow of your wings.

You give your guests a feast

in your house,

and you serve a tasty drink

that flows like a river.

The life-giving fountain

belongs to you,

and your light gives light

to each of us.

Psalm 63:7,8

You have helped me,

and I sing happy songs

in the shadow of your wings.

I stay close to you,

and your powerful arm

supports me.

Waiting can be hard.  While we wait for our needs and desires to be met, it can be lonely in our burrow.  But God is not inactive nor ignorant.  He is working hard to give us the desires of our hearts – and He will come to us in the dusk, calling for us to answer His voice and rest in the shadow of His wing.

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

The Greatest Lover

“There is nothing more healing to the sinful heart than to be fully known and yet fully loved” (Ty Gibson).

Who knows you best?  Your mum?  Your best friend?  Your partner?

We cherish those who know us intimately and yet love us, warts and all.  We don’t have to contrive small talk or put on masks – we can just be ourselves.

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

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