The Truly Happy Person
The Truly Happy Person
MCAC Bible reading 4 November 2023
Today’s format:
- First, we’ll pray & read the passages out loud
- Then sit with the text on your own for 20 minutes.
- Then we’ll come back together for discussion at our tables for 30 minutes
- We’ll finish with a time of prayer
As you re-read, annotate:
- Underline or circle key words or phrases that jump out
- Question marks for what you don’t understand
- Asterisk/star for what you want to explore further
- Draw / diagram / make connections if there are any
- Read the footnotes for brief historical/literary context / references / word study
- Write down questions you may have
- You can stay with any one bit for the whole time – don’t feel like you have to read/answer everything – engage with what most interests or confuses or annoys you. Whatever your strongest reactions are, stay there and tease out what thoughts and feelings are being triggered by that passage, what tensions are in the text or within yourself.
Personal Reflection Time (20 min)
- Re-read the text. What bit was most alive for you? (Most interesting / confusing / annoying)?
- Is there a difference between being “blessed” and being “happy?” Why do you think most translators use “blessed” instead of “happy” for Psalm 1 and Matthew 5?
- How do you define “happiness”?
- What tensions do you see in the passages? What tensions do you feel within yourself?
- What’s keeping you from true happiness? What’s giving you true happiness?
Sharing & Discussion (30 min)
- What was strongest from the text today for you?
- How does our culture define happiness? (What does it look like to be happy?)
- How do Psalm 1, Matthew 5 and Philippians 4 describe happiness?
- Has your definition or image of a truly happy person changed at all from today’s study? If so, how does this impact your pursuit of happiness this week? If not, what remains true for you?
Prayer (15 min)
In groups of 2-3, share with each other what you’re most thankful for today, what you’re most looking forward to this week & what you’re most worried about right now. Then pray together (whoever is comfortable praying).
by: Jinha Kim
"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14