What does the Resurrection mean to you?
We asked some of our MCAC members what Jesus’ resurrection means to them – here are their answers! Feel free to add your answers below.
That God wanted to show us how much he loves us by sacrificing his Son for us. That act of his unconditional love is a constant reminder of how I want to try and live my life. – Andy
When I am asked what the resurrection means to me I think of the final lines of this song ‘Because I know He holds the future. And life is worth the living just because He lives.’ Jesus’ death, even more so, His resurrection, was the fulfilment of the ultimate promise. – Ben
To live after He died was mind-blowing and pretty cool. – Torbj
The resurrection means that Jesus has the power over sin and death and that we can trust and put our hopes in Him. – Michael
It means hope of a better life with Christ and our loved ones. The end of suffering and pain. – Shendon
The resurrection in so many ways means a beginning for all of us, it’s from this resurrection that the gospels were spread to other parts of the world and directly impacted us today. – Shaun
Mystifying, surreal, game changing, hope giving and the ultimate verification of Christ’s claim to be the Son of God. – David
I find the resurrection so encouraging because death is the point where humans find themselves most helpless and hopeless, but Jesus burst through the impossible to bring us the hope. I can get through the lowest moments because even death has nothing on me thanks to Jesus! – Shane
The resurrection means hope – a permanent victory over sin and death. The promise of a new future and a new beginning. – Sharyn
It reminds me of the power of God and how He can do extraordinary things. I also think of the empty tomb, new life and eternity. – Naomi
Resurrection to me means life, hope for a better life where there will be no death. – Ruth
The resurrection of Jesus (and others) means my God can deliver on His promise of life beyond this one. It means no FOMO for this life! It’s just a stepping stone to a greater future 🥳🤩 – Bronwyn
The resurrection gives me knowledge that I am loved beyond measure, and that I have security in God’s plan and hope for the future. – Sam
To me the resurrection is a time of celebration – celebrating a new life in which our sins are washed away and being thankful for a second chance to be better and do better always. – Maxine
Through the act of resurrection we are assured of the unstoppable power of God’s love and depth of God’s grace. A reminder that when we feel all hope is lost He knows our hearts. – Sue
The resurrection means freedom: Jesus’ victory gives me freedom from sin!The resurrection also means hope: Jesus is available to me in life’s most difficult circumstances. – Nyarai
When Jesus resurrected, mankind has hope for eternity. – Jenelle
by: Jinha Kim
"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14