You’re Not Alone

There are a lot of us a little anxious/angry/apprehensive right now because our city has gone back into a 6 week lockdown due to the rapid increase of COVID-19 community transmissions ☹️ Super inconvenient, yes. We’re living in a time where the only thing certain is uncertainty. Here are 7 suggestions to help you through this uncertain season:

1️⃣ Stay connected with a community – online via Zoom/Skype/WhatsApp etc. 🤓
2️⃣ Eat well! Keep your immune system in optimal condition by intentionally consuming a range of fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrains. 🍎🍇🥑🌰🌽
3️⃣ Write down some goals for the next six weeks. Perhaps there’s a book you’d like to read? You might try running (*but don’t do what I did in May and run for 61 days straight because you WILL stuff your IT band…after you run your 5 km PB #noregrets 😅)
4️⃣ Brighten someone else’s day! Perhaps send some snail-mail to someone you haven’t seen for a while! Everyone loves unexpected snail mail! 📩
5️⃣ At the end of each day, spend some time to reflect on the things you are grateful for. There are literally SO many things we take for granted! Your house. Your family/friends. Technology. Food. Fresh air. The ability to move your body.
6️⃣ We must continue to remind ourselves that we are not in this alone and that we serve a God who will guide us through the seasons of wilderness, just like He did with the children of Israel ☁️🔥
7️⃣ Schedule intentional time to spend with God. Manna was provided to the children of Israel through their wilderness wanderings on a daily basis; He will provide you with your manna (aka daily necessities) on a daily basis! Take one day at a time ☀️🌙

There’s hope, my friends! You’re not alone. ☺️