What motivates you?

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. – Matthew 6:33

I grew up on this verse. It was referenced in the children’s songs at Sabbath School, the Memory Verses at Pathfinders and frequently brought up throughout the week during my school’s Bible classes. I think I even heard my father quote it, which is a (very) rare occurrence.

Now, I mean to take nothing away from this verse, but I always struggled with it. Maybe it was because heaven, the Kingdom of God, was a very abstract thing to me. I couldn’t, and if I’m honest, still can’t really imagine it.

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Prayer and Trust

“And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭5:14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Prayer and trust go hand and hand. If we trust God enough to pray to him, shouldn’t we trust him enough to believe he will answer our prayers the best way he sees fit? Remember that God sees what we cannot. If we truly think about some of the things we have prayed for over the course of our lives we should be grateful God did not say yes to everything we asked.

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7 ways to creatively uplift your prayer life

Prayer and devotional life doesn’t have to be on your knees next to your bed at given times in the day. This is definitely an important habit to have but to limit prayer life to these confines could be limiting the depths to which God can reach you and change your life. 

Recently I attended a women’s conference for prayer. We practiced several different and creative methods for meditating on God’s word and speaking to Him. It was illuminating, restful and invigorating to commune with God in these different avenues. I want to share some things I have picked up along my Christian sojourn.

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If You Had $1 Million….

If you had $1 million, what would you do?

What if you had more?

If you had as much money as you wanted, what would you do with that money?

When Roy and I first moved to Melbourne in 2012, we walked through the streets of Melbourne CBD and looked up at the buildings and dreamed – wouldn’t it be incredible, we said, if one day we could point to all the buildings in the CBD where we knew there was a bible study taking place, a prayer meeting being held, or a person being encouraged through our ministries?

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Look Up

I came across a very inspiring testimony by an African-American lady. She shared the story of how her grandfather grew up in America’s south under the Jim Crow laws which enforced racial segregation. He experienced having the KKK regularly harass his family by shooting bullets at their house. In spite of the adversities that took place, he chose not to hold a gripe against the white man and never taught his family to view themselves as victims because of their heritage.

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Cast Your Worries Away

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Matthew‬ ‭6:34‬ NLT.

We naturally worry.  But worry does not bring about change – especially worries over things we cannot change.

When we worry, we begin to worship our problem. A worry is a care that has not been “cast” to God.

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A Summer of Flames

This month has seen a lot of horrors. Bushfires ravaging the land, towns, homes, livelihoods and too many lives. Smoke descending like gloom over cities in a way we have never experienced before. The ripple effects to unaffected parts on the other side of the country causing financial difficulties. The feeling that the fires will never stop. Storms and floods causing destruction but not relieving the devastating drought of the past few years. While this goes on I have had some friends face terrible medical news. Broken health. Hospital admissions.

What a broken world we live in! How we went from the most live-able city in the world to worst air quality in the world. It shows how fleeting things are. It is easy to fool ourselves into thinking that we make our own destiny. But little do we realise how much grace holds up our lives.

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God’s Plans

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”Philippians 1:6 NLT

When you were in school you would have to take regular tests. These tests let the teacher know where you stood on the material you needed to learn. If you were unable to pass these tests, then more assignments and more tests would have to be given.

God also gives tests. His tests show where we are on the road of our personal development. In his mercy, God does not take us where we are not ready to go.  He prepares us first to ensure we can handle it spiritually, emotionally, physically and the like.

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A Breath of Fresh Air: Let the Spirit In

At the moment I have a cold. It’s the third virus I have had this season so I am no stranger to a blocked nose and all that goes along with it. Sleeping is difficult when you can’t breathe. Added to that I am pregnant and my large belly is making breathing difficult. (And unable to take decongestant!)

“Blessed are those who can breathe freely…” are words I would not usually think to say. However when something so vital, so ingrained, so normally ubiquitous and under-recognised suddenly disappears we are rendered helpless.

There is another sort of ‘breath’ that is so vital, ingrained, ubiquitous and under-recognised. The Spirit.

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Let All Things Now Living

This week Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving, a day for family and friends to get together, eat good food, and give thanks.  Living in Australia, it’s been 7 years since I’ve had green bean casserole, stuffing, cranberry sauce or home-made pumpkin pie.

But while I don’t celebrate the holiday, I like to honour the spirit behind the day by reflecting back on the year and giving thanks for how God has blessed and worked in my life.

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