God’s Plans

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”Philippians 1:6 NLT

When you were in school you would have to take regular tests. These tests let the teacher know where you stood on the material you needed to learn. If you were unable to pass these tests, then more assignments and more tests would have to be given.

God also gives tests. His tests show where we are on the road of our personal development. In his mercy, God does not take us where we are not ready to go.  He prepares us first to ensure we can handle it spiritually, emotionally, physically and the like.

That is why He focuses so intently on our development as He takes us to our destiny.The timing and length of our detours in life are often dependent upon our personal choices and growth. God may have a short detour planned for us but we sometimes make it longer through our stubbornness, resentment, immaturity and doubt.

Sometimes, the tests, delays and detours in life are not because of any wrongdoing or missteps on our part, but because God desires to come closer to us, to help us help someone else, or even because He wants to prove to the world how righteous we are.  God described Job as “blameless—a man of complete integrity” (Job 1:8, NLT) – and yet God allowed Job to be tested to show the universe that Job would remain faithful.

Many people stop pursuing the pathway to their destiny when they don’t see things lining up as quickly as they thought they should. But God is intentionally using the delays and detours in our lives to develop us for where He is taking us.  He has a plan.