Discussion Questions 24 June 2023

Discussion Questions:

Today we’re practicing some of the 10 steps of Bible study!

The full 10-steps for Bible Study can be found here: https://melbournecityadventist.org/how-to-study-the-bible

Modified steps for today’s discussion time: 

PART 1: All together (10 minutes)

  1. Prayer 
  2. Read John 9 together, with different voices for each character 
      • Narrator 
      • Blind man
      • Jesus
      • Disciple 
      • Neighbour 1
      • Neighbour 2
      • Pharisee 1
      • Pharisee 2
      • Parents 

PART 2: In smaller groups of 4-5 people (15 minutes)

Group 1: 

    1. Read the Introduction to the Gospel of John: https://www.blueletterbible.org/study/intros/john.cfm OR watch the Bible project intro video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-2e9mMf7E8&t=284s
    2. Read John 8 & John 10
    3. How did understanding the big picture of the Book of John help you understand John 9?  Write down notes.

Group 2: 

    1. Read John 9 in 3 different translations (NASB, CEB, the Message): https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%209&version=NASB,CEB,MSG
    2. What did you observe? Write down notes.

Group 3: 

    1. Annotate the passage on provided paper
          • Circle key words or phrases that you want to explore 
          • Highlight / underline main ideas 
          • Question marks for what you don’t understand 
          • Exclamation point for things that surprise you 
          • Asterisk for what you want to remember 
          • Arrow for when you make a connection to another idea or experience 
          • Write “Ex” for examples  
          • Draw a picture / diagram / chart / symbol 
    1. Textual analysis : 
        • Look for repeated words or phrases, themes, characters, etc. 
        • Notice shifts to direct quotations – they are often the heart of the story
        • Read the story from each point of view, imagine the sounds/smells/sights/touch
        • Pay attention to what is said as well as what is not said that you’d normally expect
    1. What did you observe? Write down notes.

Group 4:

    1. Write down all your questions about the story in John 9
    2. Use provided Study Bible notes & commentaries to answer some of the questions 
    3. Write down notes.

PART 3: Sharing & prayer (5 minutes)

    • We will share what we’ve learned with the whole group & then summarise the main points. 
    • Then we will end with a time of prayer. 

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14