
Being a primary school teacher, I’m always on the lookout for good books to share with my students. Some – actually, many – of the children’s books I come across lack depth, meaning and in some cases a storyline (and I’m not talking about the educational ‘A is for apple. B is for bear’ books).

But, every once in a while I come across a fantastic book that not only makes a particular theme or point accessible for a child but also captures the imagination of the adult reader. I recently came across a picture book entitled ‘Love’.

Being a picture book with such a title I envisioned what is common for most such books – for love to be portrayed as a mum hugging her child, or a child caring for a pet. But this book conveyed something much more.

Before I continue I should give credit where credit is due: the book ‘Love’ is written by Matt de la Peña and illustrated by Loren Long. I heard an interview with the author in which he said that the idea for the book began as he was thinking about a bedtime story for his daughter after watching the nightly news which, of course, was filled with less-than-lovely stories. After he had penned the first draft of the story he noted that it seemed hollow and came to the realisation that love can be more truly experienced when contrasted with pain (this is of course a paraphrase, my interpretation of what he said).

It made me think of one of the old-age Biblical questions – why is there so much pain and suffering woven throughout the stories of the Bible? Indeed the Bible hinges upon a painful act of suffering.

Like many books, a superficial reading of the Bible might yield many good stories – but just as many horrible ones. I do not dare to compare de la Peña’s book with the word of God but perhaps the reason for these painful experiences and stories is that some understanding of pain and suffering can lead to a greater understanding of love. After all, the aforementioned act of painful suffering that the Bible’s message hinges upon is, ultimately, an act of love.

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son. God gave his Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life.” – John 3:16 ICB