Unpacking Peace

Who likes moving?  Maybe you like the packing, unpacking, and cleaning up involved.  I for one am not a fan.  Having moved over 20 times (twice intercontinentally), I know first-hand how exhausting moving can be.

Each time, I moan to myself as I kick the Everest of boxes, “Why do I have so much stuff?!”

Really, why do we accrue so many things?  Why do we have three shirts that look almost identical in color and style, two copies of the same book, and a dozen mugs that never get used?

Whatever happened to simplicity?

It’s not just in material things.  Our time gets cluttered with items that demand or distract our attention.  Our minds are littered with all kinds of information, thoughts, and ideas. Our lives feel like a Jackie Chan movie, incessantly moving, hurrying, and fighting whatever real or imaginary foes (deadlines, bills, tempers, illnesses, hormones, diets, rush hour traffic, etc).

To the storm in our lives, Jesus says, “Peace!  Be still” (Mark 4:39, NIV).  He calls us to come aside and pray awhile.  To focus our minds on Him and silence the buzzing of sounds and conversations.  To listen for that still, small voice that reminds us that yes, not only are we pilgrims whose lives are not about stuff, but our journey also involves sharing the source of peace with others.  But we can’t share what we don’t have.

So I am closing my eyes to the chaos around me.  I am silencing my phone.  I am opening my paper Bible and reading Psalm 46: “…. Be still, and know that I am God….The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.”

If God sheltered Jacob when he ran away from home (Genesis 28:10-22), how much more will He shelter us from the pursuit of anxiety and stress?

He bids us, “Come away with me to a quiet place and rest awhile…” (Mark 6:31).

by: Jinha Kim

"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14