Where Is Your Treasure?

What do you consider as your treasure? What is of the most value to you? Jesus Christ said in Luke 12:34,“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Is your treasure the kind that fades or rusts? Can it be easily stolen? If your answer is yes to both questions, then you are saving up the wrong kind of treasure. And your heart might be in the wrong place.

Over the years, I did a lot of tasks at work in search of validation from the boss. I put in a lot of hard hours, days, years in search of that “Well done Nyarai! Great job Nyarai!” That was me putting my treasure in my boss’s words and not God. When I didn’t get the response I was expecting, it crushed my spirit.

Over the past year I have discovered the only validation I should seek is from God. Finding joy in doing works that are pleasing to God is an amazing feeling. He is faithful and can be trusted to never crush my Spirit. Here’s what Christ says about those who put their trust in money and the security and sufficiency that it seems to provide, “You say, ‘I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,’ and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.” (Revelations 3:17)

When we look at the bigger picture, “treasure” goes far beyond money and the things money can buy. It refers to where and how we spend our time, energy, resources and affections. If we invest to attain power, popularity and financial self-sufficiency, then we will end up loving and serving ourselves above all. But if we invest in the things that matter to God, if we provide for the poor and lost, spend time praying, reading our Bibles, sharing Christ’s love and encouragement to build up others, then God will be uppermost in our lives and we will care about the things He cares about. We will store up treasure in heaven where “no thief comes near and no rust destroys.” (Luke 12:33)

Do we have a lifestyle of generosity and faith? Before we get really busy and committed to any endeavour, let’s be honest with ourselves and ask, “What’s my motive for doing this?” Let’s store up our treasures in heaven where there are no killer hurricanes and stock market crashes. Let’s give our hearts to God.