Part 4 of the Seeing with New Eyes: Revisiting Common Christian Beliefs
The Bible promises eternal life to those who seek Jesus. How does this work? What does it mean to know Jesus? How can one be reassured of God’s love in the face of the mistakes of humanity?
Part 3 of the Seeing with New Eyes: Revisiting Common Christian Beliefs:
Thirty-one percent of the world believes in Jesus. Was Jesus a mere historical figure? Was he who he claimed he was? How does one know for sure? In the face of doubts and uncertainty, how can we come to know if Jesus truly was the Son of God? In this talk, we explore the journey of faith that each of us faces as we seek a personal connection to Jesus.
Part 2 of the Seeing with New Eyes: Revisiting Common Christian Beliefs
One of the most challenging ideas posed to Christianity is the existence of suffering and a powerful God of Love. How does one reconcile these two facts presented in the Bible? This talk seeks to begin the discussion of this challenging topic.
Seeing with New Eyes: Revisiting Common Christian Beliefs
Part 1 – Truth
What are some reasons the Bible is considered a credible source? When exploring the Bible how does one arrive at truth? In this talk, we look at history and archaeology and a story in the Bible of a truth seeker to answer these important questions.
Does God care how we treat His creation? What does the Bible say about the environment?
I snuck quietly behind Roy so that Joshua would see him first as he walked into the yard of the childcare centre.
At first, he stared, blinked, then as recognition and reality set in he ran to him, crying, “Daddy!” He clung to Roy like a koala for the rest of the day.
It had been two weeks since Roy had been home and the boys had missed him very much.
I like reunions because people get to express how much they care for each other; feelings of joy, relief, and tenderness exude from the face and body as people greet each other after separation.
Of course, reunions are only as good as the relationships represented.
by: Jinha Kim
"But those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14
Mental health is often neglected or stigmatised; yet it is vital for us to address as individuals and as a community. Explore with us how God says it’s OK to be not OK.
Guest speaker Nathan Brown: Often justice and evangelism are set up as competing ways to express our faith, but when we re-examine the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) in the context of the ministry and mission of Jesus, we can appreciate our enactment of the kingdom of God in our work for justice and in giving an invitation to follow Jesus.
What did Jesus mean when He said we had to become like children to receive the Kingdom of God? What childlike qualiites does God wish us to foster?